Āryatārā Atiyoga
- Prayer Book1 (double sided, flip on long edge)
- Cover
oṃ rucirā maṇi pravartamānaye svāhā॥
The prayer beads blessing.
ॐ रुचिरा मणि प्रवर्तमानये स्वाहा॥
oṃ sambhara sambhara vimānasara mahājapa hūṃ । oṃ smara smara vimānaskara mahājapa hūṃ॥
oṃ dhuru dhuru jayaṃukḥe svāhā॥
oṃ namo mañjuśrīye । namo suśrīye । namo uttamaśrīye svāhā॥
The prostration blessing.
ॐ: नमो मंजुश्रिये । नमो सुश्रिये । नमो उत्तमश्रिये स्वाहा:॥
- 3 rounds of inhaling luminous green air from the left nostril down through the iḍā (prajñā) nāḍī to the svādhiṣṭhāna, hold our breath there for 3 to 5 seconds while tightening and pulling up the anal sphincter, exhaling black smoke through the right nostril while releasing the anal sphincter, green air rises and purifies the piṅgala (upāya) nāḍī.
- 3 rounds of inhaling luminous green air from the right nostril down through the piṅgala (upāya) nāḍī to the svādhiṣṭhāna, hold our breath there for 3 to 5 seconds while tightening and pulling up the anal sphincter, exhaling black smoke through the left nostril while releasing the anal sphincter, green air rises and purifies the iḍā (prajñā) nāḍī.
- 3 rounds of inhaling luminous green air from both nostrils down through the iḍā-piṅgala nāḍīs to the svādhiṣṭhāna, hold our breath there for 3 to 5 seconds while tightening and pulling up the anal sphincter, exhaling through both nostrils while releasing the anal sphincter, green air rises and purifies the suṣumṇā (śūnyatā) nāḍī, black smoke comes out through the sahasrāra and dissolves in space.
Bindu at our heart.
Primordial state.
Bindu at our heart radiates out these infinite lights one by one: ए blue, यं green, रं red, बं white, लं yellow
oṃ e ho śuddhe śuddhe । yaṃ ho śuddhe śuddhe । raṃ ho śuddhe śuddhe । vaṃ ho śuddhe śuddhe । laṃ ho śuddhe śuddhe । e yaṃ raṃ vaṃ laṃ śuddhe śodhanaye svāhā॥
The five elements.
ॐ एहो शुद्धेशुद्धे । यंहो शुद्धेशुद्धे । रंहो शुद्धेशुद्धे । बंहो शुद्धेशुद्धे । लंहो शुद्धेशुद्धे । ए यं रं बं लं शुद्धे शोधनये स्वाहा॥
Bindu at our heart radiates out infinite rainbow lights to all the dimensions of: ॐ dharmakāya, आः saṃbhogakāya, and हूँ nirmāṇakāya. In which there are all the manifestations of enlightened beings. We communicate with them, manifest infinite offerings to them, and accumulate merits through these lights. We will receive their light, wisdom, and empowerment.
Primordial state.
Trimūla Śaraṇa
namo gurubhyaḥ । namo devábhyaḥ । namo ḍākinībhyaḥ॥
The Guru (the root of blessings) is the Buddha, the Yidam (the root of accomplishment) is the Dharma, and the Dakinis and Protectors (the root of enlightened activity) are the Saṅgha.
नमो गुरुभ्यः । नमो देवभ्यः । नमो डाकिनीभ्यः॥
oṃ anale anale viśade viśade vīra vajradhare bandha bandhani vajrapāṇī phaṭ । hūṃ trūṃ phaṭ svāhā॥
This prayer can succeed in eliminating any internal and external obstacles that lie in the way of spiritual progress.
ॐ अनले अनले विशदे विशदे वीरवज्रधरे बंध बंधनी वज्रपाणी फट् । हूँ त्रूँ फट् स्वाहा॥
Mahā Cakra Vajra
The Great Wheel of Truth.
oṃ virāji virāji mahā-cakra-vajri । sata sata sarate sarate trayī trayī vidhamani saṃbhañjani । tramati siddhā gryatvaṃ svāhā॥
This prayer can help achieve success in all prayer cultivation.
All virtuous deeds shall find accomplishment swiftly.
This prayer also helps complete the attainment of all mudra practices.
ॐ विराजि विराजि महाचक्रवज्रि । सत सत सरते सरते त्रयी त्रयी विधमणि संभञ्जनी । त्रमति सिद्धाग्र्यत्वं स्वाहा॥
Amoghapāśa Maṇi Pūja
This is a vast and infallible offering, for every 3 repetitions. It will liberate the reciter from Ānantarya Karma.
oṃ amogha pūja maṇipadma vajre tathāgata vilokite samanta prasara hūṃ । oṃ padma uṣṇīṣa vimale hūṃ phaṭ॥
is able to perfectly and completely accomplish the eradication of disasters
and calamities; enhancement of love and respect, and subjugation.
ॐ अमोघ पूजा मणिपद्म वज्रे तथागत विलोकिते समन्त प्रसर हूँ । ॐ पद्म उष्णीष विमले हूँ फट्॥
Sapta Atītabuddha Karasaniya
The Seven Past Buddhas Blame Dispersing Words Dhāraṇī.
ripa ripate kuhā kuhāte traṇite ṇigalate vimarite mahāgate jaṃlaṃcaṃte svāhā॥
This prayer can help eliminate karmic obstacles due to negative karmas,
obtain safety and good fortune, experience success in every aspect,
and generate merits for the younger generations.
This prayer is also part of The High King Avalokiteśvara Sutra
(Chinese: 高王觀世音真經).
Calling, calling out; Revealing, revealing all; Making heartfelt prayers; Dissolving, disappearing blame; Vanishing vanished blame; Eminent virtues appear; All blame is truly buried and gone by this power; So Be It!
रिप रिपते कुह कुहते त्रणिते णिगलते विमरिते महागते जंलंचंते वाहा॥
離婆離婆帝 求訶求訶帝 陀羅尼帝 尼訶囉帝 毗黎你帝 摩訶伽帝 真陵幹帝 莎婆訶。
Noble Tārā invitation with Noble Tārā mudrā.
oṃ guru ārya tārā saparivāra । ārya tārā jaḥ । padma kamalāya satvam॥
Invites Tara’s wisdom and compassion to be present with us.
ॐ गुरु आर्य तारा सपरिवार । आर्य तारा जः । पद्म कमलाय सत्वम्॥
Āryatārā Hṛdaya Japa
Noble Tārā recitation to receive their light, wisdom, and empowerment, which dissolves into Noble Tārā above our sahasrāra.
oṃ tāre tuttāre ture svāhā॥
Tārā is an important figure in Buddhism
and known as a saviouress
who hears the cries of beings in saṃsāra
and saves them from worldly and spiritual danger.
Oṃ O Tārā, I pray O Tārā, O Swift One, So Be It!
ॐ तारे तुत्तारे तुरे सोहा॥
𑖌𑖼 𑖝𑖯𑖨𑖸 𑖝𑗜𑖝𑖿𑖝𑖯𑖨𑖸 𑖝𑗜𑖨𑖸 𑖭𑖿𑖪𑖯𑖮𑖯𑗃
ඕං තාරේ තුත්තරේ තුරේ ස්වාහා෴
嗡 達咧 嘟達咧 嘟咧 梭哈。
Āryatārā Aṣṭaghora Tāraṇī Sūtra
Tārā who protects from the Eight Dangers.
oṃ tāre tuttāre ture sarvaduṣṭān praduṣṭān । mama kṛte jambhaya stambhaya mohaya bandhaya vidhvaṃsaya । hūṃ hūṃ hūṃ phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ svāhā । sarvaduṣṭastambhani tāre svāhā॥
Tārā explains that the fate
of each being is the result of past negative actions
and that virtuous conduct is the only way to avoid suffering in the future.
Tārā describes the path to liberation using a series of evocative metaphors
and also offers a sacred dhāraṇī
as a means to help others achieve liberation from saṃsāra.
She also outlines for recitation a praise of her myriad qualities,
in particular of her ability to protect beings from the eight dangers.
ॐ तारे तुत्तारे तुरे सर्वदुष्टान् प्रदुष्टान् । मम कृते जंभ य स्तंभय मोहय बन्धाया विध्वंसय । हूँ हूँ हूँ फट् फट् फट् सोहा । सर्वदुष्टास्तम्भनी तारे सोहा॥
Āryatārā Āghoṣa
Tārā's name.
Āryatārā Ātma Utpatti
Self generation is a form of meditative visualization in which the yidam is invoked and then merged with the sādhaka as an upāya of self-transformation. This is as opposed to the method of front generation. Self generation is held to be more advanced and accompanied by a degree of spiritual risk from the siddhi it may rapidly yield.
Noble Tārā above our head descends through our sahasrāra and sits inside the open lotus bindu at our heart, radiates infinite Noble Tārā's green lights and communicates with all enlightened beings to activate and receive their wisdom.
Tārā's seed syllable.
oṃ āḥ hūṃ॥
The seed syllables oṃ āḥ hūṃ
represent vajra, or wisdom, body, speech, and mind.
The syllable oṃ
represents the union of form and emptiness.
And āḥ
represents the indivisibility of speech and emptiness.
And finally, hūṃ
represents the union of pure awareness and emptiness.
oṃ āḥ hūṃ
represent vajra, or wisdom, body, speech, and mind.
The syllable oṃ
represents the union of form and emptiness.
And āḥ
represents the indivisibility of speech and emptiness.
And finally, hūṃ
represents the union of pure awareness and emptiness.ॐ आः हूँ॥
Mandala offering mudrā with the sun behind our back and the moon in front of us. Offering self-generated and pure land to all enlightened beings.
oṃ guru ārya tārā saparivāraṇām idaṃ ratna maṇḍalakaṃ niryātayāmi॥
Mandala offering is described as offering the universe.
Oṃ guru Noble Tārā and retinues, I offer up this jewel mandala
ॐ गुरु आर्य तारा सपरिवारणाम् इदं रत्नमण्डलकं निर्यातयामि॥
Raktatārā Hṛdaya
Bindu at our heart radiates infinite Red Tārā's red lights and communicates with all enlightened beings to activate and receive their wisdom.
oṃ tāre tāṃ svāhā॥
Tārā’s red form represents her powers of magnetization, subjugation,
and the transformation of desire into enlightened activity.
Āryatārā Hṛdaya
Bindu at our heart radiates infinite Noble Tārā's green lights and communicates with all enlightened beings to activate and receive their wisdom.
oṃ tāre tuttāre ture svāhā॥
Tārā is an important figure in Buddhism
and known as a saviouress
who hears the cries of beings in saṃsāra
and saves them from worldly and spiritual danger.
Oṃ O Tārā, I pray O Tārā, O Swift One, So Be It!
ॐ तारे तुत्तारे तुरे सोहा॥
𑖌𑖼 𑖝𑖯𑖨𑖸 𑖝𑗜𑖝𑖿𑖝𑖯𑖨𑖸 𑖝𑗜𑖨𑖸 𑖭𑖿𑖪𑖯𑖮𑖯𑗃
ඕං තාරේ තුත්තරේ තුරේ ස්වාහා෴
嗡 達咧 嘟達咧 嘟咧 梭哈。
Sitātārā Hṛdaya
Bindu at our heart radiates infinite White Tārā's white lights and communicates with all enlightened beings to activate and receive their wisdom.
oṃ tāre tuttāre ture mama āyuḥ-puṇya-jñāna-puṣṭiṃ kuru svāhā॥
Tārā’s white form is a beacon of compassion, longevity, and healing.
Oṃ O Tārā, I Pray O Tārā, O Swift One, Mine, Long Life, Happy Life, Wisdom, Abundance, Make It So! So Be It!
ॐ तारे तुत्तारे तुरे मम आयुः-पुण्य-ज्ञान पुष्टिंकुरु स्वहा॥
Vajra song to remain within the all-pervasive expanse of the mind's nature.
ema kiri kiri । mashta vāli vāli । samita suru suru । kutali masu masu । ekara suli bhatayé । cakira bhuli bhatayé । samunta carya sughayé । bhetasana bhyakulayé । sakari dhukana । matari vaitana । parali hisana । makharta kelanam । sambhara tameka cantapa । surya bhatare pashanapa । ranabhiti saghuralapa । masmin sagulitayapa । ghura ghura saga kharnalam । nara nara ithar patalam । sirna sirna bhesa raspalam । bhundha bhundha cisha sakelam । sasah । ririh । lilih । i ih । mimih । ra ra rah॥
This dharmatā song evokes the wisdom of Ādibuddha
in union to channel our energies towards the goal of spiritual enlightenment.
The union is generally understood to represent the primordial (or mystical) union of compassion
and wisdom,
depicted as a male deity in union
with his female consort through the similar ideas of interpenetration
or coalescence
(Sanskrit: युगनद्ध,
Romanized: Yuganaddha,
Chinese: 雙連,
Tibetan: ཟུང་འཇུག,
Wylie: zung-'jug,
THL: zunjuk),
using the concept of Indra's net
to illustrate this.
The symbolism is associated with Anuttarayoga tantra
and while there are various interpretations of the symbolism in twilight language,
the masculine figure is representing the compassion (karuṇā)
and skillful means (upāya-kauśalya)
that have to be developed in order to reach enlightenment.
While the feminine partner is representing wisdom
which is also necessary to enlightenment.
United, the figures symbolize the union necessary to overcome the veils of Maya,
the false duality of object and subject.
(Sanskrit: युगनद्ध,
Romanized: Yuganaddha,
Chinese: 雙連,
Tibetan: ཟུང་འཇུག,
Wylie: zung-'jug,
THL: zunjuk),
using the concept of Indra's net
to illustrate this.wisdom
which is also necessary to enlightenment.
United, the figures symbolize the union necessary to overcome the veils of Maya,
the false duality of object and subject.Without birth and so without cease,
Not coming or going, but filling all,
Blissful dharma sublime and unmoving,
Sky-like, freed and without stain,
Rootless, and also without support,
Homeless, unattached, a dharma profound,
Ever free, ever vast, equality effortless,
Subject to neither bondage nor liberation,
An ever present palace encompassing all,
Beyond logic and reason.
So vast, so grand, the space of the sky!
Blazing dharma, the core of the sun and the moon,
Instant presence, now it's so plain to see,
A mountain of vajra, a lotus so immense,
The sun, a lion, this wisdom song.
A sound so great, a music beyond compare,
A pleasure reaching to the ends of space,
A Buddha equal to all of the Buddhas,
Samantabhadra the vast, the peak of dharma,
In the womb of Samantabhadrī, her sky-like space,
Open clarity, instantly present—the ever great perfection!
एम किरि किरि । मस्ह्त वालि वालि । समित सुरु सुरु । कुटाली मसु मसु । एकर सुलि भतये । चकिर भुलि भतये । समुन्त चर्य सुघये । भेतसन भ्यकुलये । सकरि धुकन । मतरि वैतन । परलि हिसन । मखर्त केलनम् । सम्भर तमेक चन्तप । सुर्य भतरे पशनप । रनभिति सघुरलप । मस्मिन् सगुलितयप । घुर घुर सग खर्नलम् । नर नर इथर् पतलम् । सिर्न सिर्न भेस रस्पलम् । भुन्ध भुन्ध चिस्ह सकेलम् । ससह् । रिरिह् । लिलिह् । इइह् । मिमिह् । रररह्॥
ཨེ་མ་ཀི་རི་ཀཱི་རི། མས་བ་ལི་བ་ལི། ས་མི་ཏ་སུ་རུ་སཱུ་རཱུ། ཀུ་ཊ་ལི་མ་སུ་མ་སུ། ཨེ་ཀ་ར་སུ་ལི་བྷ་ཊ་ཡེ། ཙ་ཀི་ར་བྷུ་ལི་་བྷ་ཊ་ཡེ། ས་མུན་ཙརྱ་སུ་གྷ་ཡེ། བྷེ་ཏ་ས་ན་བྷ་ཀུ་ལ་ཡེ། ས་ཀ་རི་དྷུ་ཀ་ན། མ་ཏ་རི་བཻ་ཏ་ན། པ་ར་ལི་ཧི་ས་ན། མ་ཁ་རྟ་ཁེ་ལ་ནཾ། སཾ་བྷ་ར་ཏ་མེ་ཁ་ཙནྟ་པ། སཱུ་རྱ་བྷ་ཏ་རཻ་པ་ཤ་ན་པ། ར་ན་བྷི་ཏི་ས་གྷུ་ར་ལ་པ། མ་སྨི་ན་ས་གུ་ལི་ཏ་ཡ་པ། གྷུ་ར་གྷུ་ར་ས་ག་ཁ་རྣ་ལཾ། ན་ར་ན་ར་ཨི་ཐར་པ་ཏ་ལཾ། སི་རྣ་སི་རྣ་བྷེ་ས་ར་སྤ་ལཾ། བྷུ་ནྡྷ་བྷུ་ནྡྷ་ཙི་སྷ་ས་ཀེ་ལཾ། ས་སཱ། རི་རཱི། ལི་ལཱི། ཨི་ཨཱི། མི་མཱི། ར་ར་རཱ༎
Sukhāvatīvyūha Dhāraṇī
Pure Land Rebirth Dhāraṇī / Infinite Life Dhāraṇī / The Larger Amitabha Dhāraṇī.
oṃ amṛte । amṛta udbhave । amṛta saṃbhave । amṛta garbhe । amṛta siddhe । amṛta teje । amṛta vikrānte । amṛta vikrānta gāmine । amṛta gagana kṛtikare । amṛta duṃdubhi svare । sarva artha sādhane । sarva karma kleśa kṣayaṃkare svāhā । oṃ amitābha hrīḥ॥
This prayer's most important function and meaning is to pull out the fundamental cause of karmic obstacles
It benefits the reciter in this present life, to purify all past karma, and bestow rebirth in the highest level of Sukhāvatī.
This prayer is also known as the Pure Land Rebirth Dhāraṇī.
pull out the fundamental cause of karmic obstacles
It benefits the reciter in this present life, to purify all past karma, and bestow rebirth in the highest level of Sukhāvatī.
This prayer is also known as the Pure Land Rebirth Dhāraṇī.ॐ अमृते । अमृत उद्भवे । अमृत संभवे । अमृत गर्भे । अमृत सिद्धे । अमृत तेजे । अमृत विक्रान्ते । अमृत विक्रान्त गामिने । अमृत गगन कृतिकरे । अमृत दुंदुभि स्वरे । सर्व अर्थ साधने । सर्व कर्म क्लेश क्षयंकरे स्वाहा । ॐ अमिताभ ह्रीः॥
Avalokiteśvara of the Universally Shining Great Light represents both the ten stages (bhūmis) of the Bodhisattva path and Buddhahood itself.
oṃ dhara dhara dhīre dhīre dhuru dhuru iṭṭe viṭṭe । cale cale । pracale pracale । kusume kusumavare । ili mili viṭi । citti jvālaṃ āpanāya । parama śuddhasattva mahā kāruṇika svāhā॥
This prayer can purify negative karma, and overcome obstacles.
It brings wealth, protection, and boundless love.
Bhagavan, I have a mantra of Great-Compassionate Heart Dharani and now wish to proclaim it, for comforting and pleasing all living beings; for healing all illness; for living beings to attain additional lifespan; for living beings to gain wealth; for extinguishing all evil karma and weighty sins; for keeping away from hindrance and disasters; for producing merits of all Pure Dharmas; for maturing all virtuous-roots; for overcoming all fears; for fulfilling all good wishes.
— Great-Compassionate Heart Dharani Sutra
ॐ धर धर धीरे धीरे धुरु धुरु ईट्टे विट्टे । चले चले प्रचले प्रचले कुसुमे कुसुमवरे । इली मिल् विटि । चित्ति ज्वालम् आपनाय । प रम शुद्धसत्त्व महा कारुणिक स्वाहा॥
ༀ་དྷ་ར་དྷ་ར་དྷཱི་རེ་དྷཱི་རེ་དྷུ་རུ་དྷུ་རུ་ཨཱི་ཊྚེ་བི་ཊྚེ། ཙ་ལེ་ཙ་ལེ་པྲ་ཙ་ལེ་པྲ་ཙ་ལེ་ཀུ་སུ་མེ་ཀུ་སུ་མ་བ་རེ། ཨི་ལཱི་མི་ལ་བི་ཊི། ཙི་ཏྟི་ཛྭཱ་ལ་མ་ཨཱ་པ་ནཱ་ཡ། པ་ར་མ་ཤུ་དྡྷ་ས་ཏྟྭ་མ་ཧཱ་ཀཱ་རུ་ཎི་ཀ་སྭཱ་ཧཱ༎
嗡 达啦 达啦 提力 提力 杜露 杜露 易笛威 易笛 加列 加列 不啦加列 不啦加列 固苏美 固苏玛 哇垒 易利 密利 积地 炸哈啦玛巴纳雅 梭哈。
Mahāmaṇi Vipulavimāna
Any beings will be liberated if the shadow of the great jewel celestial palace mandala is cast upon, or dust falls from it onto them.
oṃ vipulagarbhe maṇiprabhe tathāgatanidarśane । maṇi maṇi suprabhe vimale sāgara gambhīre hūṃ hūṃ jvāla jvāla । buddhāvilokite guhyādhiṣṭita garbhe svāhā । padmadhara amogha jayate curu curu svāhā । oṃ maṇivajre hūṃ । oṃ maṇidhare hūṃ phaṭ । oṃ maṇipadme hūṃ hrīḥ arapacamita hṛdaya svāhā । oṃ hanu pāśa bhāra hṛdaya svāhā॥
The Buddha achieves
nirvana and subdued
demons with this prayer. Any being who sees, recites, hears, touches,
or wears this victorious prayer will purify their negative karmas
or unholy obstacles.
ॐ विपुलगर्भे मणिप्रभे तथागतनिदर्शने । मणि मणि सुप्रभे विमले सागर गंभीरे हूं हूं ज्वल ज्वल । बुद्धविलोकिते गुह्याधिष्ठित गर्भे स्वाहा । पद्मधर अमोघ जायते चुरुचुरु स्वाहा । ॐ मणिवज्रे हूँ । ॐ मणिधरे हूँ फट् । ॐ मणिपद्मे हूँ ह्रीः अरपचमित हृदय स्वाहा । ॐ हनु पाश भार हृदय स्वाहा॥
ༀ་བི་པུ་ལ་ག་རྦྷེ་མ་ཎི་པྲ་བྷེ་ཏ་ཐཱ་ག་ཏ་ནི་ད་རྴ་ནེ། མ་ཎི་མ་ཎི་སུ་པྲ་བྷེ་བི་མ་ལེ་སཱ་ག་ར་གཾ་བྷཱི་རེ་ཧཱུཾ་ཧཱུཾ་ཛྭ་ལ་ཛྭ་ལ། བུ་དྡྷ་བི་ལོ་ཀི་ཏེ་གུ་ཧྱཱ་དྷི་ཥྛི་ཏ་ག་རྦྷེ་སྭཱ་ཧཱ། པ་དྨ་དྷ་ར་ཨ་མོ་གྷ་ཛཱ་ཡ་ཏེ་ཙུ་རུ་ཙུ་རུ་སྭཱ་ཧཱ། ༀ་མ་ཎི་བ་ཛྲེ་ཧཱུྃ། ༀ་མ་ཎི་དྷ་རེ་ཧཱུྃ་ཕ་ཊ། ༀ་ མ་ཎི་པ་དྨེ་ཧཱུྃ་ཧྲཱིཿཨ་ར་པ་ཙ་མི་ཏ་ཧྲྀ་ད་ཡ་སྭཱ་ཧཱ། ༀ་ཧ་ནུ་པཱ་ཤ་བྷཱ་ར་ཧྲྀ་ད་ཡ་སྭཱ་ཧཱ༎
Dhanadatārā refers to one of the various emanations of Amoghasiddhi and one of the four-armed varieties of Tārā.
oṃ tāre tuttāre ture dhanaṃ me dada svāhā॥
Tārā's manifestation
grants us success, ultimate happiness, and enough financial resources.
ॐ तारे तुत्तारे तुरे धनम् मे दद सोहा॥
Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya
The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom.
oṃ gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā॥
All Buddhas of the three ages
(past, present and future) rely on the Perfection of Wisdom
to reach unexcelled complete Enlightenment.
The Perfection of Wisdom
is the all powerful prayer, able to dispel all suffering.
Oṃ Gone, Gone, Everyone gone to the other shore, Awakening, So Be It!
ॐ गते गते पारगते पारसंगते बोधि स्वाहा॥
𑖌𑖼 𑖐𑖝𑖸 𑖐𑖝𑖸 𑖢𑖯𑖨𑖐𑖝𑖸 𑖢𑖯𑖨𑖭𑖽𑖐𑖝𑖸 𑖤𑖺𑖠𑖰 𑖭𑖿𑖪𑖯𑖮𑖯𑗃
ඕං ගතේ ගතේ පාරගතේ පාරසංගතේ බෝධි ස්වාහා෴
嗡 揭諦揭諦 波羅揭諦 波羅僧揭諦 菩提 梭哈。
Puṇya Pariṇāmanā
Merit dedication (in our own words).
Āryatārā Svapratijñā Nāma Dhāraṇī
oṃ tāre tārāye । hūṃ hūṃ hūṃ । samayasthite । bhara bhara । sarvābharaṇavibhūṣite । padmani padma । mahāpadmāsanasthite । hasa hasa । trailokyavarade । sarvadevadānavapūjite smarāhi । bhagavate tāre smarāhi । bhagavān tathāgatasya purata samayaṃ । dhara dhara । mahāsattvāvalokite maṇikanakavicitrābharaṇe । oṃ vilokāya [insert the name] bhagavate tāre । hrīṃ hrīṃ hrīṃ phaṭ svāhā॥
The Noble Tārā's Own Promise.
ॐ तारे ताराये । हूँ हूँ हूँ । समयस्थिति । भारा भारा । सर्वअभरणविभूषिते । पद्मनि पद्म । महापद्मआसनस्थिति । हस हस । त्रैलोक्यवरदे । सर्वदेवदानवपूजिते स्मरहि । भगवते तारे स्मरहि । भगवान् तथागतस्य पुरत समयं । धर धर । महासत्वावलोकिते मणिकनकविचित्राभरणे । ॐ विलोक्य [अमुकः] भगवते तारे । ह्रीं ह्रीं ह्रीं फट् सोहा॥
oṃ dhare dhare bandhare svāhā । jayā jayā siddhi siddhi phala phala । a āḥ śa sa ma ha । mama koling samanta॥
ॐ धरे धरे बंधरे स्वहा । जय जय सिद्धि सिद्धि फल फल । अ आ शा स म ह । मम कॉलिंग समन्त॥
Āryatārā Śatākṣara
oṃ ārya tārā samaya manupālaya । ārya tārā tvenopatiṣṭha । dṛḍho me bhava । sutoṣyo me bhava । supoṣyo me bhava । anurakto me bhava । sarva siddhiṃ me prayaccha । sarva karmasu ca me । cittaṃ śreyaḥ kuru hūṃ । ha ha ha ha hoḥ । bhagavan sarva tathāgata tārā mā me muñca । tārā bhava mahāsamaya sattva āḥ॥
The Noble Tārā 100 Syllables.
ॐ आर्य तारा समय मनुपालय । आर्य तारा त्वेनोपतिष्ठ । दृढो मे भव । सुतोष्यो मे भव । सुपोष्यो मे भव । अनुरक्तो मे भव । सर्वसिद्धिं मे प्रयच्छ । सर्वकर्मसु च मे । चित्तं श्रियं कुरु हूं । ह ह ह ह होः । भगवं सर्वतथागत तारा मा मे मुञ्च । तारा भव महासमय सत्त्व आः॥
ཨོཾ་ཨཱརྻ་ཏཱ་རཱ་ས་མ་ཡ་མ་ནུ་པཱ་ལ་ཡ། ཨཱརྻ་ཏཱ་རཱ་ཏྭེ་ནོ་པ་ཏིཥྛཱ། དྲྀ་ཌྷོ་མེ་བྷ་ཝ། སུ་ཏོ་ཥྱོ་མེ་བྷ་ཝ། སུ་པོ་ཥྱོ་མེ་བྷ་ཝ། ཨ་ནུ་རཀྟོ་མེ་བྷ་ཝ། སརྦ་སིདྡྷིམྨེ་པྲ་ཡ་ཙྪ། སརྦ་ཀརྨ་སུ་ཙ་མེ། ཙིཏྟཾ་ཤཱི་ཡཾ་ཀུ་རུ་ཧཱུྃ། ཧ་ཧ་ཧ་ཧ་ཧོཿ། བྷ་ག་ཝཱན་སརྦ་ཏ་ཐཱ་ག་ཏ་ཏཱ་རཱ་མ་མེ་མུཉྩ། ཏཱ་རཱ་བྷ་ཝ་མ་ཧཱ་ས་མ་ཡ་སཏྭ་ཨཱཿ༎
Trimūla Namaskāra
Three Roots Homage.
Gurus (Buddhas, Dharmakāya) of all times and directions
oṃ āḥ hūṃ॥
The seed syllables oṃ āḥ hūṃ
represent vajra, or wisdom, body, speech, and mind.
The syllable oṃ
represents the union of form and emptiness.
And āḥ
represents the indivisibility of speech and emptiness.
And finally, hūṃ
represents the union of pure awareness and emptiness.
oṃ āḥ hūṃ
represent vajra, or wisdom, body, speech, and mind.
The syllable oṃ
represents the union of form and emptiness.
And āḥ
represents the indivisibility of speech and emptiness.
And finally, hūṃ
represents the union of pure awareness and emptiness.ॐ आः हूँ॥
Devás (Dharmas, Saṃbhogakāya) of all times and directions
oṃ āḥ hūṃ॥
The seed syllables oṃ āḥ hūṃ
represent vajra, or wisdom, body, speech, and mind.
The syllable oṃ
represents the union of form and emptiness.
And āḥ
represents the indivisibility of speech and emptiness.
And finally, hūṃ
represents the union of pure awareness and emptiness.
oṃ āḥ hūṃ
represent vajra, or wisdom, body, speech, and mind.
The syllable oṃ
represents the union of form and emptiness.
And āḥ
represents the indivisibility of speech and emptiness.
And finally, hūṃ
represents the union of pure awareness and emptiness.ॐ आः हूँ॥
Ḍākinīs (Saṅghas, Nirmāṇakāya) of all times and directions
oṃ āḥ hūṃ॥
The seed syllables oṃ āḥ hūṃ
represent vajra, or wisdom, body, speech, and mind.
The syllable oṃ
represents the union of form and emptiness.
And āḥ
represents the indivisibility of speech and emptiness.
And finally, hūṃ
represents the union of pure awareness and emptiness.
oṃ āḥ hūṃ
represent vajra, or wisdom, body, speech, and mind.
The syllable oṃ
represents the union of form and emptiness.
And āḥ
represents the indivisibility of speech and emptiness.
And finally, hūṃ
represents the union of pure awareness and emptiness.ॐ आः हूँ॥